3 Ways To Lower Your Stress & Improve Your Business

By Julie Morris, Life & Career Coach

Sometimes, it seems there is nothing more stressful than running a business or living a professional life. Yet, stress can be antithetical to success, especially in the workplace. If you want to see your goals flourish, it’s important to learn how to step back.

3 Ways To Lower Your Stress & Improve Your Business

1. Take Care of Number One

When working, especially if we run our own businesses, it’s incredibly easy to put off taking care of ourselves to a future, less hectic point. And yet, self-care can keep our stresses down, especially when we are busy. It can improve self-esteem, increase our productivity at work, and even keep us from getting sick. So, start supporting yourself by investing time in self-care every single day. You may need to let go of a little bit at work, which can be hard as a boss. We want everything done perfectly, and often that means our way. However, if you work with good people, you need to trust that they can do their jobs. Delegate more to others, or ask for help. If someone asks you to do more than your fair share or more than you can currently handle, don’t say yes. Tell them no, explain why if you feel you need to, and don’t harbor feelings of guilt. You can’t do everything, and you shouldn’t have to. Never, ever sacrifice sleep, either. If you do one thing for yourself, make you get around eight hours of rest every night.

2. Let Go of Doing It All

Being a woman in a business environment, even one you own, can be incredibly stressful. We are expected to do it all and be it all, both at work and at home. Yet, that pace is impossible to maintain. We can’t work 40-plus hours a week and do all the cleaning and cooking to maintain a single-person household, let alone a multi-person house. Women often carry what is called the “mental load,” especially if they are in a relationship. This means that not only are you working as a breadwinner, but when you come home, you’re in charge of knowing what needs to be done around the home. Even if your partner does their fair share of the work, it often comes down to women to ask for it to be done. It’s time to stop. Instead, have a conversation with them about what you need. Less mental stress at home can carry over into the work environment. If your partner is absent-minded, make a list to ensure work gets done without prompting. Try not to micromanage. You may have a different standard of cleanliness than they do. If so, rather than complain and malign their work ethic, do your best to let go or take care of it yourself.

3. Address Financial Woes

Nothing creates stress like financial issues at work. If you need to raise more funding, you could try grants for women entrepreneurs. The government offers numerous types, so they are the best place to start your search. Look both at the state and federal level to see what options you have. The SBA (Small Business Administration) has several grants available, but make sure you meet the qualifications. However, there are private ones available as well. If you offer a service that improves the quality of life for women, you can research InnovateHer. Women who are good with a pen can apply for the Amber Grant by writing a brief essay about your history. Also, try Girlboss, which awards two grants a year to different entrepreneurs.

Of course, there are still more ways to raise funds. You can try crowdfunding, loans from a traditional bank or family members, or perhaps angel investors. These investors provide funding in exchange for equity, which will grow as your company does.

There are many ways we can improve how we feel. Take that extra energy you generate to invest in our work. If you’re stressed, you may not be meeting the goals you’ve set or even be able to deal with basics. It’s time to thrive.
